09 July 2009

Viable Protection for Aviaries, Pigeon Lofts & Breeding Pens.

To protect aviaries and large breeding pens away from power sources can be a challenge, especially in remote areas where an alarm is likely to be ignored until it becomes a nuisance or may disturb the birds themselves. CCTV may be an ideal solution but laying the wires for cameras and power supplies can be a daunting expense.

I have the solution.

A cost effective wire free system is now available that not only provides early warning of activity in an area but identifies the cause. The system is totally and fully standalone.

Battery powered movement sensors incorporating a digital camera take a 10 second video of the cause of activation and wirelessly pass this to the battery powered control panel. The control panel receives information from up to 24 sensors that can be 700M away. The video is transmitted to an alarm receiving centre and the information can be relayed to authorities informing of crime in progress. A separate wireless siren placed in the home or short distance from the birds can warn the intruder that their presence has been detected and deter them from further activity. With battery life in the order of 2 years for all devices, this really is a viable solution.

Do not be caught unawares by people or predators entering your property unannounced. The external sensors have a 12M range and incorporate sensors for very low light levels.

With the absence of any wires, the system is easy to install and can be supplied fully pre-configured.

6 months free monitoring for orders placed during July.

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