23 October 2011

Survey shows 13% rise in household theft.

The latest British Crime Survey (BCS) shows a 2% rise in crime, despite the police showing a 4% fall in recorded crime.
The biggest change, however is the quarterly crime figures, which cover the 12 months to the second quarter between April and June and do not include the summer riots. They show a 13% rise in "other household theft", which covers thefts from gardens and sheds, the apparent 10% rise in burglary, according to the BCS.
The Alarming Man suggests alarms that detect intruders in outbuildings and the grounds should be installed.  Existing alarms may be updated to include external sensors or upgrade to a system that tackles today's problems.
Protect yourself as the police may not have the resources!! 

Paul McKeever, the chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: "The latest crimes statistics show that burglary and robbery continue to rise and, unfortunately, this comes as no surprise to us.
"Of particular concern is the rise in knife-related crime by some 7%. The statistics collated across England and Wales support a trend we were already seeing in London.
"We have warned again and again that property crime and robbery will rise during times of economic hardship, and today's figures paint a bleak picture.
"The government simply must heed the warnings and reconsider the planned 20% cuts to policing. We can only protect the public if we have enough police officers on our streets. Therefore the prospect of losing 34,000 officers and police staff by 2015 cannot be ignored."

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